Flag-Raising Ceremony
It was the Insects Awaken season. When the gentle spring rain stopped for the moment, on the morning of 6th March, Anqing Foreign Language School’s Primary Department held the first flag-raising ceremony in the new semester. With sonorous music, students entered the playground in neat steps. Their faces showcased confidence and child interest. Singing the national anthem loudly, watching the Five-Star Red Flag rise up slowly once again, each teacher and student was proud and blessed.
Afterwards, Director Zhao Xinlong delivered the first morning session speech in the new term in which he encouraged all children to be the most beautiful, fabulous and excellent students in Anqing Foreign Language School. Furthermore, Principal Huang Zuning with the Primary Section proceeded medal presentation to the classes with the honorary titles of ‘Civilized Classes’ in the first semester of the 2017-2018 academic year.
In a word, as the saying goes, a journey of one thousand miles begins with one step. The fine beginning shall promise a new distant place.
